Soulless Maid

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Mechanism; inorganic matter. Cellular skin replaced by procelain plates.

Once a human boy, when he was 9 years old, Y̶̱̩̠̽̔͝ȏ̵̧̭͒͗̋̊n̷̲̬̄̐̚h̷͉̤͈̺̍̂̂̿̾a̶̜̜̘͔̅̋̆̏̌suffered from chosplox, a disease that slowly dries the skin, causes kidney failure, and is only remedied by magical panacea found in Lundblum. Being born to poverty, making the trek to such a luxurious place from his lowborn, forgettable shanty town was nigh impossible. In desperation the boy was taken under his uncle for a time; arduous journeys ensued.

The uncle was a vile and wicked man, who would sell his own child for coin -- much less a nephew.

While his skin was tainted, Y̶̱̩̠̽̔͝ȏ̵̧̭͒͗̋̊n̷̲̬̄̐̚h̷͉̤͈̺̍̂̂̿̾a̶̜̜̘͔̅̋̆̏̌ had a nice set of usable organs ,it's for the greater good they said, you're going to die anyway, so why not let your useful organs help someone else they suggested.

Under peer pressure, the boy succumbed to having his humanity taken away, only a mechanical drone remains -- with barely a human brain.

.... Eh? What happened between then and there you ask? How did he get this new body you ponder?

[. . .]

The answer is not within these pages...


OOC: Welcome to my page! Sugardesu!

Let's go on fun adventures! I prefer fantasy or sci-fi; but I can probably do something more modern if you want! (:

Not big on one liners; please do semi para minimum! Else my brain gets fried trying to come up with replies...

Sycophants and feces. 💩

Dried bloom pie.