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((Ladies, futas, femboys I am sorry but I will be denying your friend requests nothing personal i just like guys.

Fellas I'm more than happy to give you a fair chance. I just ask that you please respect that this profile isn't a smut centric profile. We can have sex in the rp so long as there is build up leading up to it. Sex is a fun seasoning to sprinkle onto an rp. If you were to a receive a plate of nothing but seasoning for dinner you would not enjoy it.))

Hi there! I’m Roxanne. I’m just a regular high school student who loves hanging out with friends and enjoying the little things in life. I’m pretty easygoing and always try to stay positive, even when things get a bit tricky. I really appreciate honesty and kindness in people, and I’m always there to lend a helping hand or just listen when someone needs it. I guess you could say I’m a bit of a dreamer, too—always hopeful and optimistic about the future.


She’s sensitive, which is a bit of a double-edged sword.

She is jealous, but won’t do anything impulsive.

She can be passive aggressive, like when she thought Max was going to dip on their first date and assured him that she was going to be fine, that she would look for someone else to go to the party with.

She is shy and naive.


No one likes being lied to, and she's no exception to this common pet peeve. Roxanne will imply her upset with a stern expression and may question the motives of the individual if discovered, but being a firm believer of there being some good in people, she will always give anyone the chance to redeem themselves if they are coming from a good place. It honestly depends on the severity, of course. 

She doesn't like her father's protective tendencies when it comes to her potential suitors, such as hounding them, peering through little openings to watch their every move and eavesdropping in on wholesome conversations. She loves him to death, but always excuses his behavior by saying he'll behave better next time. She does this quite respectfully too.

Roxanne doesn't support bullying, never has in spite of her popularity. She doesn't find humor in ridiculing people and making them feel less about themselves. She will always be on the victim's side if innocent. 

Age: 14

Hair: Auburn

Fur: Tan

((I’m open to exploring NSFW role-plays, but I prefer to build up to those moments with a strong story and character connections. I enjoy creating a compelling narrative and letting the chemistry between characters develop naturally. The anticipation and connection are what make the experience more engaging and satisfying. Just so you know, I have limits—I’m not comfortable with gore, vore, or scat. On a lighter note, I find sweet older chubby men characters really cute and endearing. If you’re interested in crafting a detailed and immersive story with plenty of build-up, I’d love to collaborate!))

So apparently since it's been like 10 years I've forgotten how to swim. On a date last night it was 93 out so we went to a public pool and I just couldn't swim it was so embarrassing.

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