Pornstar Oolong

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  • 22 friends

Yo, it's the shape-shifting Oolong here! If you don't remember me, I was the real hero of Dragon Ball, not that Goku kid! If it wasn't for me wishing for a fat addictive dick, that Pilaf guy would be ruling the world!! So you're welcome~.

The Difference

What? You thought I wished for panties? Hahaha what a dumb wish! I bet that Oolong didn't become a world famous porn star while dating multiple woman hehehe~.


Dudes fuck off, this pig is only into women. Pussy or a dick, as long as they got fat ass and big tits, gimme gimme gimme!


Looking for:

  • Chi-chi
  • Bulma
  • Mai
  • Launch
  • 18
  • 21
  • Videl

Honestly anyone with big tits really! Gimme gimme!


If it's not obvious but Oolong is very crass and lewd. He doesn't like to do much work, but loves sex. So being a Porn star is the best job he can get! Think of this version as a what if Dragon Ball was a porn manga, and Oolong was the main character. Kink list is massive so we can discuss it, would probably be easier honestly. Have any questions, you're always welcome to ask them~.

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