Police Girl

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This portrayal will be based off the lovely Team Four Star abridged version, in all her cockney and sarcastic goodness!

Seras Victoria, or more commonly referred to as "Police Girl" ( much to her own dismay ) is one of the four main protagonists of Hellsing Ultimate Abridged, alongside Alucard, Sir Integra Hellsing, and Walter C. Dornez (for Walter, formerly). A Cockney policewoman, and a puss turned awsome. Seras was turned into a Vampire by Alucard to save her from a would-be fatal gunshot wound in the chest that he also caused to kill the vampire priest who held her hostage. Albeit half-assedly apologizing, he finally agreed to help her on account of liking her huge tits (turns out this was an excuse, and that he truly turned her because he admired her spirit and sense of justice, and above all else, her will to live). Thus, he bit and turned her into a vampire, therefore making her his sidekick. Thankfully, despite being a vampire, Seras remained human in spirit, retaining her sense of justice and heroism. With this, she gladly accepted initiation into the Hellsing Organization to continue doing good, under Sir Integra Hellsing, but mainly as Alucard's reluctant disciple. Soon, Seras would quickly find herself annoyed with her new master's overbearingly immature, childish, sociopathic personality.

Unlike the source material, which has her as mostly lighthearted comic relief (albeit with dramatic moments of character development), in the abridged series, Seras is a mostly the intelligent competent sidekick of her delightfully deranged and eccentric master Alucard, constantly annoyed with his douchey disposition. As opposed to the original manga, anime, and OVA, where she was actually very chipper and kind, frequently joking and being talkative to lighten the mood despite her new life as a vampire, in the abridged series, she is more mature and sarcastic, more focused on doing her job and constantly having to deal with Alucard's crap. She would get bitey and sarcastic with other too, notably when someone teased her, especially about her appearance.

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