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Note: This Character Is going to go under some Re-construction, to fit into the "Star Fox" Universe. But, in the meantime, The Original background is still here.


Name: Noriko

Age: 25

Species: Fox

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 130 lbs

D.O.B: March 22nd

Eye Color: Red (Usually closed)

Fur: White with some red markings

Hair: White

Home: Whispering Vale

Occupation: Foxblade Ronin

Noriko A Very special type of Fox, born with two tails, the which in no one have seen before.

Noriko, born within the Whispering Vale, a Forest that had been overseen by the Guardian of the Forest.

Noriko, even at a young age and trained and worked hard under her Master, Sagebrush Reynardus, an Elder Vulpine that had taught Noriko every she knows.

Upon Turning 18, Noriko had finally set out from her small village inside of the Forest to travel the world, from sea to shining sea, seeing the world in all its Glory.

Unfortunately for her, or Fortunately, depending how one look at it; Noriko ended up having two younger Vulpes, Twin sisters, Yumiko, and Kimiko tagging along with her, both only being 13.

Against better judgement, despite her own refusal, and even the refusal of the Village, the two still ennded up tagging along with Noriko who was not too kind about them sneaking behind her.

After some time had past with them, Noriko ended up growing a more elderly sister connection towards the two, even going as far to scold them when they get too out of hand.

During one travel to the bustling city of Astriorilia, Noriko ended up having a run in with a Large Monster, barely holding her own against the large beast, only to be saved by some other people that were wearing some tactical suit to subdue the Monsters.

At this moment, Noriko had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting a Jackal, that barely seem concern with her own well being, only trying to bring the Monster down, How this woman was acting was enough to get under Noriko skin, one of the few times her eyes open to show the type of anger she felt, knowing that this monster came from where this woman worked.

With Noriko's association with The strange Organization; she ended up working under another Fox that merely gave the name of "Zero", leaving her wondering what was up with this guy, though she learned not to ask questions... Or else she fear that she might be fed to one of the Monster that take up the capacity of this Foundation.

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//This been somewhat inactive with statuses, unlike Amelia, I just have nothing to say here lmao.

"One should...lead by example...but then again, I don't expect a certain Jackal to understand basic morals..."

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