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Poorly written story below/It shall do for now

This is how it began.

This, this is a story of a time where the underworld was a peaceful place. Of a time where the seven clans existed in peace and harmony. That was until a long winded prophecy of times past came to fruition. The prophecy states that when a young devil is born into the underworld with a golden horn and eyes he would be the one to become the true king of the realm, to unite them all under a single banner. Though the prophecy never foretold of a genocide or so we believe~

It all started with a small clan, very small, of the best warriors on the outskirts of the kingdom. They had two distinct markings across their cheeks that separated themselves from the other clans of the underworld. They also had a single pitch black horn, as where most had two, if not more. Their leader, Boros was by far the most experienced fighter among them, along with his beautiful wife Lilith. With their age came the knowledge of the prophecy, they thought it was just words in the wind. Until the moment the two had a young offspring, by the name of Nikolai.

Instantly both of them knew that they had to hide the young one from the other six clans, until they felt it was the right time to let it be known. Making every member of their clan swear by blood not to tell they slipped away to the edges of their kingdom. Years passed, not a single whisper of the child's existence spread, or so the two thought. As the young one grew of age his parents put him through rigorous training. Not only to get him ready for the world outside of their kingdom, but to also give him a chance to survive.

Though that time came soon enough. As he turned nineteen and came of age, a snitch happened to start a nasty little rumor that there had been a youngling with a golden horn born into the world. As it spread like wildfire Nikolai's parents both knew their end was drawing to a close, along with the stressed peace that had been maintained. It only took a matter of time before it happened, every devil and every clan turned against them, and on each other. Boros urged Lilith to take Nikolai away into hiding, but she refused. Both lead their clan into the fierce deadly battle. Their unnatural abilities to withstand punishment allowed them to hold their own against the other's, but it only allowed them to get so far.

Life after life was lost. Young, old, male, female; It didn't matter everyone was on a rampage. By the time Nikolai was able to fight his way to his mother and father it was too late. There they lay, mangled and covered in blood, along with each and every member of his clan. Surrounded by the ones that slain them. Eyes moved in awe over him as they all realized the prophecy was real, and that the whistleblower had told each of them a separate lie...

They say a devil isn't one to show emotions but this is the one time it was a lie. Streams of tears flowed over his blood stained cheeks as he looked across the mess around him. He was the last. He was the reason this all started. Little did Nikolai know, he was going to be the one to end it. With a deep breath and clenched fist he stepped forward, face first into the lion's den. This is where Nikolai's story begins, the story of a devil on his way to claiming what was truly his.

Simple Character info down below.

Name - Nikolai

Literal Meaning Victory of the People

Pronunciation - nee-kah-LIE - Russian origin

Age - Appears 26; Actual age 1300

Height - 7'5

Build -Toned, Muscular

Hair - Maroon

Eyes - Golden, sclera of his left eye is black.

Extra - Single golden horn on the left side of his head; Two markings markings from his left jaw line and across his cheek.

ExtraExtra - got the two peens ;)

Skin - Tan

Race - Devil

Nicknames - N/A (feel free to give)

Family - Entire clan deceased.

Status - Ima loner~


Strength; ●●●○○

Stamina/Endurance; ●●●●○

Speed; ●●●●●

Healing Factor; ●●●●●

Can easily alter his appearance when attempting to blend in with humans

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Hi stinkers

Try not to make to many fireworks happen tomorrow night ;)

Haply Daddy Day

Yall wild


Happy Mother's Day

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