Mother of The Hearth

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Clervie is a quest-exclusive NPC who appears in Arlecchino's Story Quest Ignis Purgatorius Chapter: Act I - When the Hearth-Flame Goes Out, and first appeared in the animated short The Song Burning in the Embers.

When she was six, Crucabena took Clervie into the House of the Hearth in order to show that all children were treated equally. However, Clervie saw through her ruse as time went on, seeing the House as nothing more than a purgatory as she forced orphans to battle each other and saw many killed or sent to either The Doctor or sent on dangerous missions to die.

At some point, she met Peruere, who was the only other child who saw through Crucabena's lies. The two became close friends and Crucabena sent Clervie to look after Peruere whenever she suffered from her curse, such as when her pet spider died. They often spent time together, with Clervie suggesting that they see the auroras in Snezhnaya when they grew up. Clervie tried her best to convince her mother to change her ways and even attempted to escape at times, but was caught and subsequently tortured to make an example of her to crush any signs of hope to escape the organization.

//Yes, while Clervie is well dead in the game.. this is an AU profile of her being alive.

Usagimimi Clervie is also available upon request.

I'm not sure why mom mode came out so damn quick lmao

Usagimimi Clervie is also available if anyone wants xD

changed a profile cover
changed a profile picture