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  • Discussions are usually advised beforehand, to ensure I have an idea of the type of monsters or roleplay you are interested in.
  • Willing to take requests to play certain beings from games/anime/etc within reason. If I haven't seen/read/played what they are from, I won't be able to play them spot on if your looking for an exact match.
  • Only looking to engage in roleplay with purely female characters, no yaoi or futanari themes. All monsters I play will be male.
  • Roleplays can be based around a single scene or idea you want to explore before jumping to another, or they can be longer themed roleplays with multiple encounter spread throughout a continuous plotline.
  • While Monsters are my main focus, I can and will play human/humanoid npcs or beasts etc if requested to be included.
  • Themes I will not include in roleplays are; Unbirthing, Vore, Watersports, Scat, Loli Themes, Yaoi, Futanari, Guro, Rimming (Receiving).

Usually, "monster" is a general term used to describe any type of creature that bears ill-will on humanity and its allies; as such any wildlife, plantlife, demon, dragon and even some individual humans can sometimes be categorized as monsters, making it an extremely vast and variegated group of life forms, with some species barely possessing animal-like minds, while others are fully sentient beings.

This is further complicated by the fact that several circumstances, which may include magic rituals, outside input from someone else, tragic demises or even strong grudges, can potentially transform any individual into a monster, not to mention that even artificially created monsters are possible to exist.

Across the multiverse of realities, the conflict between humans and monsters is a deep-rooted one, with only a handful of remarkable exceptions existing. Most human settlements, even the more peaceful ones, live in constant fear that a monster attack could potentially wipe them out and burn their homes to the ground. This fear has led humankind as a whole to have heavy prejudices towards monsterkind, not helped by the underhanded and devious tactics often deployed by the most abhorrent members of the latter, creating a vicious cycle of hate between the two. The few individuals that show curiosity or even appreciation towards monsters are more often than not ostracized and viewed with suspicion by their fellow citizens, with the reverse also happening on the monster's side.

As such, numerous demons or monsters with incredibly cruel and malicious psyches, are usually found in command of vast armies of monsters with the intent to take over the world for themselves. The reasons for the monsters to serve such evil masters often vary, with some having decided to do so willingly, either out of loyalty for their brethren, not knowing any better, or due to their own rotten and malevolent personalities, while in other cases, individual monsters are being actually forced into servitude.

That being said, while still recognizing themselves as monsterkind, not all monsters are hostile to humans. In fact, several peaceful monsters, some even belonging to otherwise ferocious species, can seldomly be found befriending and living in peace alongside humans or other races, sometimes even actively fighting at their side in the struggle against the rest of their kind.

Monsters are separated into several families depending on their key features and details, although the criteria under which species is classified under which family are somewhat flexible and sometimes not immediately apparent.

Slime Family

The slime family is a family of monsters closely related to the common Slime. Generally characterized by a soft, gelatinous body, members of the slime family are often among the weakest of monsterkind as whole, but also one of the families more prone to develop friendly relationships with humans.

Beast Family

The beast family is a family of monsters closely related to wildlife, with many bearing a passing resemblance to big cats, lizards, wolves, primates and the like. As such many monsters of the beast family lack a higher awareness of the world or speech, often being just a little smarter than normal beasts.

Bug Family

Similarly to the beast family, the Bug Family refers to monsters that take on forms of insects or even amphibians.

Aquatic Family

A variegated group, the aquatic family is a family of monsters that strictly live near or in bodies of water, bearing resemblance to several types of fishes, crustaceans, octopi, sea-dragons and other sea-dwelling creatures.

Dragon Family

One of the strongest families, many dragons are gifted with not only higher thought, but also superior strength, wisdom and magic, and as such many dragons have become some of the most powerful individuals of certain worlds, some even ascending into godhood. Some of these powerful dragons have chosen to live peacefully and become pillars of the world, while others have let their worst traits rule them and have become forces of destruction.

Plant Family

The plant family is a bizarre group of monsters that blur the line between animal and plantlife, taking the form of plants, trees, flowers, fruits, fungi or diminutive sprites.

Material Family

The material family refers to monsters that are formed from materials such as stone, raw iron or cloth. A sub-group exists of trap-like monsters that pose as normal item-hiding objects, such as wells, bookshelves, pots and wardrobes, the most famous among them being the Mimic monster, who copies a common treasure chest.

Machine Family

The machine family is a group of monsters entirely composed of artificial beings, having a robotic or mechanical body made out of metals, having been created thanks to the use of superior science of mysterious and unknown origins. Due to their robotic nature many machine monsters lack Free-will, being instead constricted by a strict computer programming into following a predetermined set of orders.

Elemental Family

The elemental family is a group for monsters that have physical bodies outside the traditional common sense, either being formed mainly by the elements of Fire, Ice, Water, Wind, Earth or Shadow or being supercharged by them.

Undead Family

The undead family is a family of monsters composed of beings that have been brought back from the dead in seemingly unnatural and often mangled states, such as rotting corpses, spirits, skeletons or anything similar.

Demon Family

A family deeply connected with the dark, the demon family is for any monsters that bear more than a passing resemblance to actual demons, with many of them being former humans that have abandoned since long ago their old human forms.

Humanoid Family

The humanoid family is a general term that not only describe any monster that has no other strong defining characteristic other than a humanoid shape, but also any foe that is themselves actual members of a human-like race.

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