Melinda Isabeau

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Basic Data

Name: Melinda Isabeau


Title: Neo-Demigod

Age: 20

Birthday: December, 24, 2150

Zodiac: Capricorn

Species: Human/Neo-being (halfbreed)

Occupation: Adventurer

Alignment: Neutral good

Parents: Hikaru (mom). Frost (mom), Adrienne (aunt)

Sibling: Takai(older sister), Xingrin(older brother), Saku(Adopted sister)  

Weapons: Battle Gauntlets MK1

Fighting Style: Brawler

Physical Data

Hair Color: White

Eyes: Right eye red, left eye blue

Skin: Pale

Height: 6’2

Weight: RUDE!

Body Type: Curvy and toned

Bust: BB

Clothing color: Black and Blue

Background information

Personality: Friendly, goofy, and caring. Always filled with passion, and hope. She can sometimes be naive as well. However, when threatened or provoked she will get serious, aggressive, and even hotheaded.

Recorded Journal:“Is this thing on? Good! Hello there! My name is Melinda Isabeau, I’m the youngest daughter of the Isabeau family. I’m here today to talk about myself. To let you know a little bit about me. I was born on planet Earth, and moved to planet Neo-Solaire. My life isn’t easy growing up. I have three siblings named Takai, Xingrin, and Saku. We were all raised by two mothers, their names are Hikaru and Frost. Around when I was 5 years old, one of my mothers passed away, and that hit all of us hard. My family wasn’t the same afterwards. All three of my siblings ended up leaving Neo-Solaire, and headed back to earth. My mom Hikaru isolated herself from everything and remained in the shrine. I was looked after by my mom’s servants for a couple of years. That was until my aunt Adrienne came to this planet, and that is when things got crazy. She came for me, and fought against my mom. She defeated her, and kidnapped me, and brought me to earth. She was planning to sell me off to an unknown contractor, but she changed her mind and decided to raise me. 

Ever since then, I was raised by Adrienne in the wasteland, learning how to survive against the cold harsh world of reality. My aunt’s teaching was aggressive, harsh, and intense. It wasn’t all bad, I got the chance to be reunited with my siblings. Not only that, I came to meet amazing people like Ankoku. I encountered him when my aunt put me through training. We both went through Adrienne’s training course in survival. He is a great role model in what a hero should be. I honestly look up to him as a good friend. 

After years went by, I finally decided who I want to be. I want to be strong and brave, that I can defend myself, and the people who I hold close to me. I also want to go out and explore and travel to different words on my own. 

So, I decided that I want to join the members of the ARK. Because I feel like it’s a good career place to start. Plus, I heard stories of how many ARK members travel to different planets or even universes fighting against darkers. It sounds so exciting. Anyway, I better wrap this up. I know I still have a lot to learn, and I’m always looking for ways to better improve myself. So whatever life takes me, I will embrace and adapt to survive. This is Melinda, and I’m signing off.”

//More bad news. No internet. Mom forgot to pay for the bill. Which is expensive. X.x

//I wish my job stop over working me. Working everyday and not having time for myself is really getting in the way of my creative flow. Plus this is not what my job and I agreed on. It's been disappointing me alot.

Sorry for the mini vent. Just frustrated. DX

Added an album

Art that commissioned for my OC.

changed a profile picture