Maple Momiji

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A quick disclaimer!

I will not be roleplaying as Majin 21, nor will I indulge in people's vore kinks. Instead, I will roleplay as Android 21's human template, Vomi, who is the wife of Dr. Gero. Alternatively, I will also roleplay my What If Saga where Vomi's son, Gevo, had a daughter that bears a striking resemblance to Vomi.

The version of Android 21 I will play as well will have a remodeled version that was developed by Vomi's granddaughter without the insatiable hunger and mental instability and will lean into something much more cuter. Thank you for understanding!

Dr. Vomi

image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=2150&dpx=1&t=1718486474Vomi is the wife of Dr. Gero, mother of Gevo and another son, and the grandmother of Dr. Hedo and Maple. Vomi and Gero's first son, Gevo, became the model for Android 16, while their other son and daughter-in-law had a disdain for the Red Ribbon Army due to them believing they poisoned Gero's mind. Vomi, in comparison, was more sweet tempered but had questionable motives, yet she had a specialty in bio engineering. Notably, her intellect is greater than Dr. Gero's. Vomi perished long before her husband, and her template became the model for Android 21 who did not share her memories, but her endearing personality around Age 769.

Maple Momiji

(What if Dr. Gero and Vomi had a granddaughter?)

image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=2159&dpx=1&t=1718488869Maple is the daughter of Gevo and Sucra, granddaughter of Dr. Gero and Vomi, older cousin of Dr. Hedo, and niece of Dr. Hedo's parents. She was born around in Age 734, and she was a science prodigy during preadolescence. She specializes in pharmacology and in the culinary arts as a pâtissier with miraculous results, but when she learned more of the Red Ribbon Army's darkest secrets, she studied bio engineering and mechanical engineering to create her own robot models to make life on Earth a much better place to live without sullying the names of geniuses. Learning that her grandma died and knew of the Dragon Balls' existence, she disguised herself, which made taking blueprints convenient and getting people to believe Vomi was brought back to life. Maple's father died before Age 750 for unknown reasons, but only she and her mother remained throughout the series, and Maple mostly remained in school throughout the original Dragon Ball sagas, and went to university and culinary school.

Around the Saiyan Saga, Maple was surveying for natural resources and raw materials for her projects while also conducting private investigations for any traces of Dr. Gero's previous creations. This also continues in the Frieza Saga when uncovering Dr. Gero's secret laboratories in horror of his ultimate android blueprints.

During the Android Saga, Maple played a bigger role as Capsule Corporation's new employee and developed the training simulation for the Dragon Team to prepare themselves for the androids' attacks. She uncovered the truth of the Red Ribbon Army's initial desires for world domination, and her relation to Dr. Gero as his granddaughter and apologized for keeping quiet, but was still given a chance to work for Capsule Corp despite her relations to past Red Ribbon employees. When Cell attacked the people by absorbing their energies, Maple's mother Sucra survived by evacuating undetected and was taken to West City for protection.

Some point after Cell achieved his Perfect Form, Maple and Sucra first met a brutally damaged Android 16, in tears, assuming that it was their beloved father and husband. Sadly, they came into terms that 16 was not exactly the same man that died years ago. However, they bonded with 16 as if Gevo was still alive, but kept their affections to a minimum. Maple assisted Bulma and Dr. Briefs with repairing 16's body to prepare for the Cell Games. After he sacrificed himself, Maple and Sucra were able to make peace that Gevo is living happily elsewhere and expressed solace that they saw their loved one's face, even if he was just a copy of the late soldier.

In the Majin Buu Saga, Maple and Sucra live in Capsule Corporation with the Briefs, and Maple received her promotion as Bulma's assistant researcher and set up her own workshop for new inventions that are doable in honor of her efforts for surveying Dr. Gero's old labs and obtaining valuable blueprints in relation to the androids. Both were unfortunately killed by Super Buu after turning them into chocolate at Kami's Lookout, but they were brought back to life.

In Age 777, Maple was taken by the newly modeled Android 16 and meets Android 21 who explained to her that she was Dr. Gero's latest creation, but had no memories regarding the origins of her human template. Both of them worked in secret for two years when Maple learned that 21 was developing a craving for powerful warriors and invented a machine to suppress her urges.

In Age 779, Maple proposed an alternative to create Android 21 a brand new body to separate her good nature from the evil wickedness that was developing after gathering the cells of Majin Buu, albeit Maple admitted that she thought it was awkward to see an android resembling her late grandmother. 21 agrees, and Maple's project proved successful. The evil half of Android 21 was sealed up in a ball akin to the one Buu was sealed up in but a mechanical one with the same functions as the energy suppressing waves.

In the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie, she meets Dr. Hedo for the first time, and they eventually became full time employees at Capsule Corporation with Androids 16 and 21 and Gamma 1 serving as bodyguards.

Newly Modeled Android 21

image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=2156&dpx=1&t=1718488647Around age 769, Android 21 was created through the image of Vomi for reasons unknown. It was likely she was developed under a secret laboratory. She maintained Vomi's good hearted personality, but due to the cells of Majin Buu, she developed an evil personality. She created the brand new model of Android 16, wanting to treat him like family and help her suppress her urges to feed. She became aware of Maple's existence and asked 16 to recruit her to help in secret for two years without anyone noticing to put an end to the Red Ribbon Army's schemes once and for all. She was given a brand new body to separate her good persona from her evil persona, which the latter was sealed up in a ball permanently containing the effects of the energy suppression wave machine.

Android 21's newly modeled appearance is that of a homunculus, almost like something out of a fairy tale from Maple's childhood dreams.

In the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie, she and Android 16 teamed up with the Dragon Team to destroy Cell MAX, and they served as bodyguards with Gamma 1 to both Maple and Dr. Hedo as the last members of Dr. Gero's bloodline.

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