Luellethian Kiln

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[⚡] General Characteristics [⚡]

[Name] Luellethian Vogga Kiln

[Pronunciation] Lu-El-Leth-Thee-Ann Vog-Gah-Kill-nnn

[Name Origin] Based on the ancient man said to have become a deity named Lu, the God of Intellect.




ELOHIM Rolebearer: Baldur

[Theme Song] 

Jungle - Back On 74 (Lyrics)

Monsters Are Everywhere (feat. Cheat Codes)

The Score - Shakedown (Audio)

Sin Shake Sin - Can't Go To Hell (Official Video)

The Score - Legend (Audio)


[⚡] Personal Characteristics [⚡]

[Birth Date] November 11th

[Birth Place] Clan Vogga’s ground.

[Manner of Birth] Natural birth

[Primary Objectives]


[Dominant Hand] Ambidextrous 

[Soft Spots]



[⚡] Mental Characteristics [⚡]

[IQ] High

[Known Languages]

English - Very fluent.


Luelle is an impulsive young man who prefers to act on emotion and drive for what he stands for. He takes pride in the nickname others have for his people, calling them “The Children of Mjolnir.” Luelle is a boisterous smart mouth who doesn’t take kind to misunderstand what he stands for. He often butts heads with his superiors and dares to defy orders they give him in favor of what he feels is right to do. 



Showing His Strength


Monster Hunting 


[Pet Peeves]

Luelle dislikes those who turn their back on what they believe or refuse to accept that even if they believe in their conviction, there is an absolute never to be wrong. 

[⚡] Supernatural Characteristics [⚡]


Kilnsmen Physiology -

Electromagnetic Manipulation

Peak Human Condition

Expert Swordsmanship

Microscale Magic Disruption

Asgardian Physiology -

Meta-Perspective Manipulation

ELOHIM Physiology

Hyperverse Bead: Mono Shield

[⚡] General Role-play Information [⚡] 

[Role-play Genre] Action, Adventure, Storyline, Fantasy, Supernatural, Comedy, General Verse, Crossover.


[⚡] Apparel [⚡]


Elder Karna’s Bag- 

Elder Karna’s Hip-Sack- 


Kiln Armour - 

Dramand Tunic- 

Mentimites - 

[⚡] Social Characteristics [⚡]

[Patience] - Mild

[⚡] Wealth [⚡]

[Class] - Middle Class

[⚡] Intrapersonal Connections [⚡]

[Immediate Family] -

[Allegiance] -

[Close Friends] - 


[⚡] Physical Characteristics [⚡]

[Species] -



[Ethnicity] -


[Skin Color] -


[Height] - 6’3

[Weight] - 176

[Hair Color] - Brown

[Eye Color] - Blue

[⚡] Health & Fitness [⚡]

[Blood Type] - AB+

[Martial Arts] - Kickboxing, Krav Maga, Glima

[⚡] Sexual Characteristics [⚡]

[Gender] - Male

[Orientation] - Straight

[⚡] Biography [⚡]

Fitting, the tale of the last Asgardian was an epic of wars and tragedy centered around the long journies of one man, Luellethian. A man of beauty and refinement who bore a bag of metal sands and a craft of beauteous armor to dawn in the many battles the Vjal waged with his people. The Kiln named the Elites of Battle in the face of adversity.

Tales go on of this man, but he remains shrouded in mystery with his clan. Even the tales themselves, whether they were weathered by age or simply viewed by one perspective, share inconsistencies in the hero. From the many stories of:

Luelle and the Medallion

The Tale of Grock the Cyclops

Preying on Jotunn

Loki's Trickery

Faux Brothers

Lilum and the Lich

Asgard's Chosen

In the Depths, He Found A New Beginning

Thor's Apprentice

To Midgard Once Again

Fragments Riddled in Despair

The Past Comes Back For Us All

Key's to Formation

The God's Decision

Luellthian, the Asgardian of Perspective

Loki's Rise

The God's Dispersion

The Last Asgardian

In the first tale, Luelle's story centers around discovering his birthright and pursuing his Family's glory. To join Thor in Asgard and unite himself and their people with the Hero of Legend who birthed their way of life in his battle with the Great Dire Wolf, Fenrir. An exchange that knocked an unprepared Thor away and sent Mjolnir flying into the plains where a large civilization of farmers once resided. The explosion of force resulted in a large crater that would later become known as "The Kiln," Home to the Descendants of Mjolnir. A people with peculiar "mutations" that some viewed as magic. The mysterious energies and radiation of the cosmic weapon influenced a Psionic potential within the survivors of the explosion that would be passed on and grown throughout the ages. The influence of Gravity and Electromagnetism. These are two of the strongest fundamental forces present in the modern world.

Luelle was no different; his days spent learning the various Arts of 'Thor's Gift' aided not only in his self-refinement as a warrior but also in social refinement as he would come to explore among his fellow man and woman to share his knowledge. A faith that he believed. Thor was waiting for them on the other side, and they had the potential to become true heroes, heroes worthy of walking the honorary path of Asgard and entering Valhalla.

It was a dream, a dream he sought to make a reality. Come the time of the Vjal wars, Luelle was cursed to bear a medallion with Loki's crescent curse that bound his right hand and forced the man to wage through three battles as a test of ability. One against a bear, the second with a troll, and the third a giant with unrivaled physicality. Something that dragged on his battle for several days and nights, with the ending spent beating in the skull of the titan with the medallion, which wore him down.

In another story, Luellethian's presence was called by the aid of Mora, his best friend, to help ward off a rogue Cyclops that prayed on the wayfaring Eaylum folk. His people, while brawny, a cyclops, were more than enough of a challenge to these people. It was a death wish to defend against him that pulled these two men out to face the being. With Luelle's lightning and Mora's Great Axe, the pair warded off the Cyclops and chased him into the mountains. There, he stayed, waiting to trap the pair, but Luelle trapped him when calling on Thor's Gift to shake the earth and send the cave crumbling around the being trapped at the mountain's foot.

There he was subject. His eye was torn out, and his head was used as a hollow instrument to play a tune of music for all who dared walk this path. Playing the song of Grock the Fallen to ward off any monster who dared approach the mountain of the Eaylum.

In the tale: Preying on Jotunn

Luelle's part wasn't noted much beyond the summoning of his blinding light and binding black in each hand, sweeping rays throughout the battle. But in the end, when he stood between Mklem and Aghna, He would be the one to verbally battle in reason against these Tyrants for the freedom of the Giants. A fate that which wasn't explored as Luelle would later be drinking and continuing to bear his boisterous habits, sharing ail, tale, and promises of glory while Lord Gohtez stands outside the tavern gazing at the severed heads of the brothers.

In the tale: Loki's trickery,

Luelle was bewitched by a woman of unbridled beauty but fell prey to Loki's machinations once more. The Deity hated Luelle for his worship of Thor as he proved to be more and more difficult as time passed to quiet. He sought ways of silencing the man, and it was through a charm that Luelle would fall to sleep for three years. When a nest of Tilobites would hatch beneath and consume Luelle as he slept. Or so Loki had hoped. If it weren't for a mysterious woman, Luelle would be dead, but choosing to wait three years and steal him away one day before the nest hatched while Loki was away. He awoke alive and in the arms of a mystery woman that would disappear with the words. "My bow guides you, Lu. Run forth and strike your target in his name."

Something that sent the man of the Kiln into a determined drive for battle.

In the tale: Faux Brothers

Luelle rejoined the Vjal army and bolstered his rank among the Elites of the Kiln and would come to face the Brothers claiming to be Mklem and Aghna of the Djhenn forces—something he took offense to for daring insult past enemies. The battle proceeds in the enemy's favor, almost as if they knew the tactics, and Luelle's frustrations bring a nightmare that history still cannot find an answer to. The Rage from Hel is a development in the people of the Kiln that activates a state of Berserker rage. Where a man or woman flies into a blind feral rage without an inkling of thought or memory.

Something that not only injured Luelle but aided in dominating the Kilangu Aisle. Luelle was discovered pinned to the brother's boat, with one of them brothers injured and the other burnt to cinders. A state for Luelle that would not last long as his potential helped close his wounds. However, Lue and his people lost favor among the people when they saw the nightmarish rage that threatened ally and enemy alike.

In the tale: Lilum and the Lich

Luelle would be separated from his company for deciding whether the Kiln should remain involved with this curse they wielded. In the Capital Kingdom of Larace, he was given the right to wander freely but found himself meeting with the mysterious stranger once more. She spoke no words but gave him assurance with the night they shared that she would believe in him. Ending their night of passion with a kiss dashed in poison.

Her identity flushes away beauty and age and reveals the monstrous force that was her true self—embodied by numerous souls of the dead and perverted by the twisted machinations of the dark. Naming herself Lilum, she informed Luelle of her plight. In seven days, he would die of the poison that once rested on rosy twins. And in that time, as he fell, so would the rest of Artegra. A prediction he challenged upon her slow disappearance into the night and something he would repeat to his superiors.

In the Tale: Of Asgard's Chosen

Luelle had to fight tirelessly with the armies of the Dhjenn. With time running out as one night turned to three. He expelled blood and food. Allies grow with worry, and he carries on. He and his people fought until they reached the Capital of Catalle, belonging to the Dhjenn. While Mora left to face the Emperor, Luelle met Lilum in combat and died slaying the Lich upon breaking her Phillectory. Slaying an evil that plagued him until his final days, but when discovered. Luelle's face bore a smile and showed pride to his fellow brothers. Almost as if he knew they would succeed with or without him.

Dying a hero, Luelle's sacrifice to face the Lich and free the attention of the armies of Dhjenn earned praise. One that carried him all the way home to the Kiln, where Luellethian Vogga Kiln would be set to rest in the underground civilization. A period of loss to the Kiln that it would never return from, as Luelle's people succumbed to the Rage of Hel and attacked each other. Many of the Allied forces had to escape as combat turned to war in the underground city, and such brought the Kiln to its knees. The entire civilization collapsed on top of its people and would be remembered as the most prominent tomb known in the records of Artegra, with over one hundred thousand dead and still counting.

The material records end at this point, but folk even say Thor had received his chosen, and the Kiln lives on as one with the Newest Asgardian Warrior.

In the tale: In the Depths, He Found A New Beginning

A psychological tale is born at the Gates of Valhalla during this chapter. Where Luelle's story takes place in a review of his life. He was treading through an infinite chasm of fears and disappointment. Never once did he wish to die so young. To never see a future with an heir and to look after the young of his brothers. To lead his life as a settled man and rest, finally. He was another casualty of war, and it seemed death would not grant him entry into Asgard. Or so he thought, as the memories were blending together. And he stood before a long line of allies and family. In a dream that bled with purpose as he stood behind a counter, a hope for his life's future took shape as a bakery. A dream Luelle wished nothing more than to attain in life. And for some time as each customer came. The tales of his exploits and the pride of accomplishment in remembrance made him smile. "Push on!" they said. Push on and get through to Valhalla. It's time you did it." They said, "It's time you become an Asgardian and fight beside the Lord."

As the dream had ended, Luelle found himself opening his eyes anew. However, he awoke to a room encroached with metal and faces mentioned only in legend staring back at him.

In the Tale: Thor's Apprentice

"It appears he's emerged from the Evanictium." These were the first words Luelle heard, and he was remarkably impressed with his strange and newfound senses. As before him, Thor, the god of thunder, strength, fertility, and consecration, stood tall. Offering a hand, he acted as both guide and Officier for the Mjolnirian Souls. Who ranged in few, if any, in number. Only the most glorified and bravest of their ilk were reborn, and it was through their travels through Valhalla. That Luelle found himself learning. Of the Evanictium, the Godmaker and Selecter of Souls that acted as the True Gates of Valhalla. Of the Bifröst and the nine realms and of Odin's coming to be at the hands of the Unteguial.

Wherein Luelle learned of unknown oddities. Things Eldritch to all he knew. Of religions, creation myths, beliefs, and the growth of humanity. It seemed time had stopped for no one. But one thing remained unsettling thing remained. What of his Battle-Brothers? What of the Mjolnirian Descendants? Questions that needed answers crept into his mind, but at the foot of Odin on his enormous throne. Luelle acted accordingly. Kneeling to his lord and with honor, he and Odin conversed. And through the conversation, he was told of Ragnarok, the legends that may, with the promise that an Unteguiel would strike with the Fires to consume all life. A tale Odin wished to prevent. He took Luelle's hand with one lone eye and deemed him the Apprentice of Thor. To be trained for the coming Ascension. When he finds his place, Luelle will be taken into his studies in the timeless realm of Asgard. For some time, he found himself bubbling with anger through his molding. Utilizing his gift, however, he discovered his fellow Asgardians becoming irritable and unhappy with his results, relying on Thor's Gift and acting plainly ignorant of the "Binding" that made every Asgardian unique. No power to himself and most certainly no respect for the Gods. As the more he interacted with them. The more he found Thor and many of the gloried 'gods' to be nothing but people with too much power.

At the coming of the Lord's tests to see the results of the coming Asgardian's training. Each individual was gifted a lone quest. To seek the Fantasia Element. Something Luelle knew of well. This was the weapon that Lilum used to help make Dhjenn a superpower during the Vjal and Dhjenn war for supremacy. With briefing out of the way, he took his opportunity to question Odin. He asked of his battle brothers, his friends, and allies of many a name and origin who more than earned their place in Valhalla. "What of Jasque? What of Gohtez? What of Mara and the other Vjal Warriors?" He dared ask of Odin. And with Odin's answer, pain bled from Luelle's soul. He became enraged and felt a hatred rise further than it ever did when he demanded why his brothers could not be let into Valhalla. And they left him without an answer. He threatened Odin himself and for his attempt at assaulting the Lord of Valhalla. He was the first to be fired from the Bifröst during his conflict with both Odin and Thor.

In the tale: To Midgard Once Again

Into the modern world of Earth. Luelle was sailing on the corona of rainbow light until he landed headfirst in the modern realm and now regretfully found himself in a godless realm. Where humans no longer appreciated nature. Nor feel the touch of magic or know the love of their gods. Now, they lived with individuality and self-service. Becoming tied to the machine and turning their back on the 'Fantasy' of Reality. No more were the Elves, no more were the Orcs, the Gnome, and the Half-Born. No more was the honor in his identity. As he wandered alone as a homeless for many, many days. Clad in nothing but a cloth receiving gift after gift from those who took pity on him. From a woman who worked as a Snack Vendor, to a man that was down on his luck but still offered him aid. Through his many lonely homeless days. Many papers and internet articles told of the mysterious man who tore down a crime syndicate, which proved a theory for science and began a new wave of popularity.

And yet, despite his accomplishments, no one knew his name. No one knew who to honor, they knew his face, and they knew his clothes. But still, he went about things without care 'honor' and 'belief'. For any honors would simply be wasted on him. As God's themselves are fed on that belief.

In the Tale: Fragments Riddled in Despair

Luelle's journeys had carried him into the darker depths of Olso city. Where he wandered among the nameless and undeserving individuals who cared only for their survival and the trials of daily life. That is until he met a fellow named Caysee Brine. An experienced man living in the depths that taught Luelle the trade and who to avoid. The local gangs ran rampant with their bouts for supremacy. The conflicts had taken their toll so much so, that they had the habit of yanking the unfortunate into their ranks and sometimes stealing helpings and supplies in efforts to sustain their own. Something he regrettably felt familiar with in his days of service. Eventually, one of the members approached him and attempted to gain something. But with nothing to offer, they sought his clothing. Which resulted in a long-wrought conflict between himself and the amassing number of their ranks. Repelling them with the vastly weakened Thor's Gift. He made a name for himself as the enemy of the Mørkt Tegn. For the first night, the alley of the unfortunate was peaceful. On the second day, however, this was the unexpected arrival of an unusual guest. Their leader. Who came not in a peaceful approach, not in an all-out onslaught, but as a full-on Orcish Beast whose only goal was to find a challenge. he wasted no time in damaging several city blocks as he tore and struck at Luelle with fierce and bestial strikes.

It was a conflict he indeed lost, for the first time since he attained this Asgardian body. He felt human, Mortal, and indeed that fate would see his end if he didn't escape. And by diving into a sewer, where he remained for several days. He was never seen in that alley or part of the city again. Now forced on the road again, he was taken by signs and posters. Things that allured him as he wandered forth on injured legs and worn feet. Plagued with worry, every reflection had that Orcish figure over his shoulder, and he found himself scarce until a single posture drew him to a lone building—a Museum with recovered artifacts from the ancient civilization of Vjal. But more, this was about what they had, as these hundreds of year-old relics were something precious. The famous rings of the Four Elements. The Knights, himself, and his brothers. As well as personal items belonging to the then prince, the Jubilant blood, and the tired knight. He didn't waste a breath staring at them as others had. In fact, as night fell, he hid among the shadows. He stole all four rings. The Doll in Mara's likeness, Gohtez' now rusted damascened knife, and the broken helm of Jasque.

These items had a vast meaning, and as he stood at the edge of Akurshuskai overlooking the ocean ahead. Beneath the moonlight, the psionic remnants of his closest friends and loved ones swarmed him like wrathful ghosts. The first to invade his mind was the spirit of Jasque as he saw the moments leading to his death. In Jasque's memory, he saw the death of himself, felt the pain of himself and his brothers, he knew the strain of carrying Luelle's corpse on his back. Even as he rapidly aged, the man would not see death until he saw his brother off. He saw the many days they each grieved his falling. How the parties that the Norseman were so famous for had fallen quiet. It tore at him greatly. He witnessed his funeral pyre and the assassination attempt on Lord Gohtez, the newly crowned king, at his own funeral by his own people. An act he committed to by leading to their civilization's crumble. His burning body was the key to their death when they succumbed to Hel's Rage and attacked one other in a maddened frenzy. He knew Jasque's horror and he knew the dismay as they felt his ashes would be lost to this tomb of a city. If only they knew. Jasque's death came many years later after settling with the princess of his land and becoming very briefly the King of the Nornian people. Time was never fair to him, and when he died in that memory, the spirit within the helm invaded his ring.

The next came as a surprise, with a fiery heart backing its fierce light. As Gohtez' spirit invaded Luelle. The memories carried on from Jasque's. Beginning after Jasque's funeral. He and Mara were side by side and maintained Vjal as the Stalwart Heroes that warded off the invading evils of their land. Until Gohtez had left for Norn to look after the family Jasque had left behind. It struck him, that he, too, would one day have to trust another to watch after his young. And the thoughts of whom to pass the line on to riddled him with worry. For Vjal was never a truly stable being, and like them, one day, it would die, too. No foundation could support eternally. Which born his thoughts of who he could trust to maintain his land and like his bonds. Support the next generation? He had yet to find the answer until the day of the Orc invasion, where they slaughtered the masses of the green skin fae. All but one, which shocked Luelle. As Gohtez and Mara struck the beast away from the statues of Jasque and Luelle. It was the Orc he had fought the night before. Bailauf, The Gore-King, he called himself. And as he escaped. Mara rose the Fantasian element in hand. He almost got away with it, and surely he would have it not been for them. It was then that they agreed to hide it, but that memory turned dark. Followed by the ten-year gap in time as Gohtez lay in bed. Handing his crown to Mara with a tearful goodbye. Gohtez' final memories were of all the cruelties he performed in life. From stealing, enslaving, and the crimes committed during war. And while he regretted them. He looked to Mara, and remembered the four and found peace. "Carry on with my kingdom," he said, "And look after my daughter, look after Jasque's child and yours. Protect our legacy." With the closing of his eyes, Gohtez' spirit left Luelle, and it put him into a somber mood as he watched that fiery spirit creep into the crimson gemstone of the ring.

Finally, the last spirit was the Bronze force of will. A power that came forth not with the fist of a hammer but with that bear's hug. Mara, present for the fall of Vjal. In his old age, since he took up the crown, Luelle's dear cousin had fallen in his age but never ceased to be loved by his nieces and nephews. He looked after his sickly daughter youngest daughter whilst the eldest had left the land in search of glory. With Jasque's son, and Gohtez's son living with them. He told many a tale and acted swiftly for their protection. But would one day come to find his sickly daughter was dying. Often, she would ask who that man was with the three heroes. Often asking who he was on that pedestal as he looked in the mirror and saw no resemblance to the Mara of then. He was a stressed old man. Hated by the kingdom for not aiding them in their time of need. He fought for them and yet could not provide for them. They rebelled, and from then on, he was known only for his trait but dubbed so much lesser than his brother's: the Mad Grinning King, Mara. And yet, he was loved by his daughter, who wished to see her hero. As she had stitched together a doll in his former likeness. As the clean-shaven blonde with a heart of gold a smile unceasing and a fierce devotion to his kingdom and family. Though her doll was unfinished, on the night of her death, he gave her his image and wept away his sorrows before her in passing. His smile is unceasing. The depression weighed itself on his soul as he was more lonely than ever. Sending Gohtez and Jasque's children to his daughter overseas. His death wasn't a grand funeral or a heart-wrenching goodbye. Instead, it was a silent whimper in his final moments. He found himself thinking of a note he gave Jasque's child.

"The Fourth Descendant yet lives. Yes, Luelle's bloodline is a secret. But still, the Four Knight's Legacy lives on."

In the tale: The Past Comes Back For Us All

Upon waking up from his realization, Luelle found himself marveling at the final soul entering its ring, and as his ring, the brilliant cyan gem began to glow. Cyan, Crimson, Bronze, and Violet. The Four Knights united. It was a somber but powerful revelation that practically brought Luelle to life, knowing that he was united with his brother's souls and filled with their warmth and support. While also knowing their lineage was living on. Humanity had hope, yet. Coming to terms that his brothers all sought the same thing, to be united once again. The four knights each had a duty, and with resolve, Luelle became determined to find the descendants. Not only that, but he also found himself sure to find the Fantasian Element and awaken his body's hidden potential. For many months, he trained privately and acted as he would before. With every morning, day, and night revealed the rings of his allies and the spirits they held in them. Leaving Norway for America. As he learned to fly, to utilized his newfound strength and less of Thor's Gift, which had slowly become more of a tool than a weapon over his few battles arranged by the Orc leader, Bailauf. He steadily became independent and faced threats requiring massing numbers alone sailing through sky and sea, and using newfound potential for his efforts. Guided by the very rings he now wore. And for some time, he stayed in the America's setting up his own personal trials as his many nights gave visions over dreams of the future. Of a man in a crimson and gold coat he wandered the wastes. Facing winged men, and horned men in combat. A premonition of things to come? Perhaps, but he would not let them be left alone to face it. As with the relics he had, Mara's doll, Gohtez' knife, Jasque's Helm, and His blood? He would find the strength and the power to face it.

The first state he visited for the descendants after hiding these relics was Maine, wherein as he came to land. He discovered that something was wrong with this place, and Thor's voice rang into his mind.

"You fool! That land is forbidden! It's because of the damned Romans and Christians that Hell's Gate is here!"

For the first time since he left Asgard, he heard Thor and realized that he was being watched all this time. To think that despite what he'd done, he was still being watched by Odin and Thor. Could they still have thought of him as their champion? Echoed in his mind as he wandered the roads. The first of the descendants was Gohtez's child. In truth, Luelle dreaded the thought of just who it may be and what it might be like to be raised in an age like this. Yet onward, he marched into a quaint tiny home in Augusta, where he found himself quietly watching over a family. The ring of Gohtez bled with anticipation, and he found himself watching the family. The father, Charles Wright, was a decent man. He provided for his family, besides his wife, Olivia Wright, who also did the same. The two had a young daughter, Kaya Wright, whom they raised to be a well-mannered and decent young woman. She was fierce when faced with opposition but kindhearted to those she held respect in. It was quite a joy for him to see. And keep an eye on her through her many days. Until one day, something unusual happened. She was attacked on her way to school by a wraith that sought to drain her life. Something he recalled only could have been sent by the vengeful. But to curse a bloodline? And then he recalled it. Bailauf had once done it, but could he somehow have tracked Gohtez's child through him? This wasn't the time to think; it was time to fight and put his newfound potential physically to the test as out-of-body experiences plagued his combat. His eyes were not able to adjust to his speed, and his mind was unable to register the feeling of specific attacks or how his strength felt unusually peaked against the assaults at hand. Confusing, indeed. Which resulted in much unnecessary damage in his battle, but with success. He was able to slay the beast. And the Child of Gohtez approached him.

"About time." She said, "I've had dreams a brown-haired, blue-eyed pretty boy would come and save me."

It threw him off, to say the least, though perhaps it had something to do with the rings. Curious, he felt himself become unnerved. "So I suppose this means the other descendants must also be in danger?"

She was confused as he fell to a knee.

"Kaiya Wright, a descendant of the Long passed Prince of Vjal, I am Luellethian Vogga Kiln—a sworn Knight of your late ancestor from hundreds of years ago. And I have sworn myself to the blade to aid you and the blood of your kin. Sworn to the Umbledock, Vjal, and Umbridge bloodlines, and I have sworn to myself that I will protect and aid you in the trying times to come. What say you?" Luelle had asked.

"Whatever, dork." A fitting response, as he wasted no time in teaching her the Vjal rune which she so reluctantly accepted until she learned to wield fire and amass it in such advantageous ways. Possibly more artful than her ancestor. Her tone changed once she became a true Vjallian Ruler.

Her test of strength came when she took molten steel to make her weapon and attacked an oncoming Wraith head-on. It was at that time he indeed left her with a grin. With none more than a promise of return.

The next individual was the descendant of Jasque. A pick-pocket raised in Ruston, Louisiana. A crime-riddled city in the state. He was raised entirely on his own luck and ambition. Kyte was an experienced vagabond in the trade of unfavorable actions, leading his own little crew of ragtag misfit thieves. Each is akin to the nightly activities of breaking into homes, stealing, and selling their pilfers for income to stay afloat. Luelle was greatly ashamed of this descendant and felt he would not wish to interact with him, but as it would turn out. Kyte Danson wasn't a fool. He knew precisely where Luelle was and what he could do when he cut Luelle off at the local park.

So much so, he, in fact, challenged Luelle to one-on-one combat and drew a familiar stance belonging to Jasque when he bore the Jotunn Slayer. Now, Luelle was not at first willing. In fact, he denied the challenge, but Kyte challenged him to traditional honor in the old Vjal way. This was unexpected, and Luelle found himself trading even blow for even blow. The strikes from this young man were like his elders. Old wounds from long before ached. As Luelle could feel the impale scar of the Titan Slayer, which ran from just beneath his rib cage to the lip of his waistline, ache. It was enough to give the man a proper Vjallian Salute.

"Bet you thought I was just some punk that stole things? I'll tell you now. What I lead is for them. And I won't be judged for my trade if it means that what I do isn't for a good cause. I'll never serve myself, Luellethian Vogga Kiln! Remember that my name is Kyte Danson. The Descendant of Jasque Umbridge, and I am a Psychic, remember it!"

For bravery, Luelle dropped to a knee and gave his salute. He also gave his honors to the Rogue as he gained height. "I needn't train you, sir, but come the time of reckoning-"

The young man had already known.

"Go and get that idiot's descendant. I'm sure you miss that immortal smile."

Nodding, Luelle was off and taking to the road as his next journey led him to the far west and across a fair stretch of ocean for the state of Hawaii. There, storms ravaged the coasts, and earthquakes were rampant annoyance factors. To say the least, it was pretty disappointing, all things considered. He saw ever so many pamphlets and billboards of the bright sun, blue seas, and beautiful curvaceous women in leaves! And yet he was in standing alone in the rain. As surely, he took to Mililani Town. Where the warm embrace of power coming from the ring was strongest. It led him to a fairly well-built home that sported an exciting family. The father was the only present figure in the family. He'd watched for days and never once saw their mother. There were three of the children, but the ring only resonated with one child. And it happened to be the youngest. A boy named Valor Tenn. He had quite the obnoxious laugh and often seemed to spend time by himself looking out to the oceans on occasion as he attempted to appear grand and robust. A counter to his ancestor, to say the least. The boy wasn't strong, but he had one hell of a spirit that made him more than willing to face any offense. Be they bully or nightmare. Surprisingly, unlike his ancestors, he was quite intelligent. It upset Luelle. To think his own cousin's genes would give birth to this. A child of spirit and genius but no strength. How unusual, considering Mara's lineage as a plainsman who fed on the flesh of dragons to become strong.

Finally, he found the coming of a threat. This time it was a troll sent by the Orc, Bailauf, who came with a club in hand, ready to strike at the child. However, he was stopped by Luelle's interruption, and the child was stunned by what he saw. A hero who fought the beast in a bloody scene of combat and tossed the wounded beast away. It fled with its life, and the young man? He fled in tears, to say the least. It was clear he was going to be the most challenging child, and it took too much effort to get him to 'man-up.' And no matter where he ran, the young man found himself coming back to Luelle. Even his own dreams, the memories of Mara flooding into them, had a hell of an impact until the child took up an Anchor he got at the beach and was prepared to attack Luelle. Only to face the troll head-on. His strength slowly rose with every swing of the anchor as it became lighter, so it functioned more closely to Mara's Axe. A signature weapon of their lineage, one would think, as indeed the young man grew his strength, and in a fit of rage, he attained the Glory of combat. He struck the beast down in his final swing and nearly caused the entire state to quake in a 7-pointer earthquake. Luelle found himself peaking out and attempting to approach the child.

"Young man--"

"It's not 'young man.' my name is Valor, a descendant of Mara, and I know who you are, Great Cousin. I've dreamt with pity aching in my heart, and I never could forget who you were..." Embraced, the spirits in blood were reunited. Until time demanded, Luelle left, and so he did, heading back to Olso, Norway, but not before his final gift to Mara, being a set of runes and the rerolling of subatomic material on his anchor, which became a pure damascened anchor with an Axe-like finish.

In the Tale: Keys to Formation

Luelle had grown tired of this Orc's advances and knew something had to have been off about that damned Orc's potential. As to how he could wander in broad daylight. Send Wraith's and Trolls after children or track him. It had ot be one thing, and his suspicions were put to work as he arrived in the ghetto to find Charles, beaten and near death. As it would turn out, the homeless had chosen to rebel in Luelle's absence and fought the fight while the Orc had been hyper-focused on Luelle. And the combat had held strong until he recently attacked head on and massacred the group. Which only caused rage to bubble through Luelle and forced him into a one-man war on the estate. Tearing through numbers, destroying blocks and vehicles, and toppling their building in the process. He was out for blood. And this began a conflict for the ages as the pair were destroying the city in their conflict. Luelle discovered what kept this Orc going. It seemed after Vjal fell, he found the Fantasian Element. He was able to bring only snippets from the Fantasia due to not being a proper mage, but it was more than enough to make him regenerate and quite resistant in cue to his already unreal strength. Though Luelle could only do so much. He was surely losing again and found himself buried in the city's rubble. This was likely to be the end for him as he listened to the malevolent laughter of the Orc.

It was like a boxing match of egos as the spirits of allies long past struck Luelle and urged him to rise. Mara, Gohtez, Jasque, the brother's four, united. As the spirit of Gohtez became the manifestation of fire itself. A serpentine beast of flame and Dragon of the North. In each hand was the power of Mara made manifest as the now-useless blades: Ocean's Blue were discarded for the blades: Adamantine Roar. And the imbued spirit of Jasque became the new armor: Renewed Armor of Judgement. When left out of Asgard, the spirits of Warriors gathered around the heroes and gave them the right until Luelle returned to make their change, and they chose well. As the battle progressed once more, the heroes prevailed until Bailauf was left to Whimper. Calling out unceasingly to Loki, wishing nothing but aid in his foreboding state as God appeared through a single window of light and held up the Fantasian element. He'd stolen it in Bailauf's time of need and left him for dead. As it would turn out, he'd used it over this course of time to slowly unravel the bindings that held Loki from the world, and now the god was free once more. Luelle slew Bailauf in a rage and finished off the threat. However, that was all he could do before being swept away by the Bifröst.

In the tale: The God's Decision

Summoned to shackles, Luelle set foot onto Asgard with a surprise about the many gods. All of whom held quite a grievous hatred for him. As he'd still yet to unlock his potential. As well as taking so long in his personal matters that led to Loki's freedom and attainment of the Fantasian Element. Resulting in the freedom of the God of Mischief. He was to be confined, that is, until Loki arrived, amassing all Jotunn-king behind him alongside Jormungandr and Fenrir. In their massing charge, he was dispelled by the gods, and all Loki could do was thank him for giving him the revenge he wanted for so long.

"Your Ragnarok will come!" He roared.

And for some time, Luelle felt he was to blame. As the Gods decided, they would lock Asgard away from Earth. He felt alienated by the Gods around him and still couldn't reason with them. For what seemed like ages, he lived out his days in a cell—unwanted, uncared for, and disgusted by them. Even Loki felt pity, so much so that he appeared in Luelle's prison cell, offering him a chance. Which Luelle turned away.

"I'll be a dead man in the deepest pit of Helheim rotting away before I ever submit to such a hand as yours." He spat.

Loki was hateful now, being spat on by a fool so beneath him, he beat Luelle over the head with the element until blood ran for once and left him there for the gods to discover. As he lies there in an almost unnerving state of silence. He felt himself drifting into his mind. Where not even the echoes of his friends could be heard. He dreamt of his childhood training under his master Siegn'th, who sat on a stump before him, greeting him as an old friend and priding just how much he'd grown. There, the two exchanged stories and words, and it seemed that Luelle was becoming a mess of depression that no matter his efforts. He couldn't make his every wrong right. He could only do what he could. He was only human, and that was where his teacher prided him.

"So don't be a god, be you. Be the man who was willing to die for his belief even if it meant slaying the woman he thought he loved and bringing an end to a kingdom of discord. Be the man willing to look after the children of his battle brothers. Even in death, I still watched over you for your father and mother, and I hadn't seen those two in ages in here."

A confusing experience, that was for sure.

"Luelle, it's time you realize you weren't a good student, warrior, or a hero to others because of your physical abilities, let alone Thor's Gift. It was your mind that made you into this. Haven't you noticed? Your confidence? Your creativity with Thor's Gift? How do you fight and use your strength? It's that which makes you unique. Go ahead and try it. Think: "I'm free".

A continual cycle of disbelief and curses had Luelle trying to free himself as Odin and Thor approached with Freya and Freyr at their side seeking to deactivate Luelle. Deeming him a failure, they wished to end him by putting him to death but instead found the nigh-unbreakable chains of Gleipnir broken from his newfound might as he tore his way through Valhalla.

In the tale: Luellethian, the Asgardian of Perspective

It was a Gauntlet of battles, with Surtur being the first of the Jotunn. With weapons and armor in hand, he led the charge of the God's following behind. Whether they wished to kill him or not was of no consequence to him. Thor attacked Jormundandr, and Odin leapt into battle for Fenris. War of the Gods was a long-fought one. Luelle joined other battles and warped the battle's formations. Weaving through strokes and attacking like he was using hundreds of blades at once in blows, making even the greatest of Hekatonkaries look frail. It was this, the glory of battle, that drew out his ire and lit a pyre of ambition!

Surtur fell with a blade in hand back to the death of Múspell. But congratulations weren't necessary as he found that Freyr at his side was wounded by combat with the beast but left him to his recovery when he raced to join Thor with Jormangandr. Surprisingly, he was well maneuvered and weaving through the array of attacks that the beast dared bring. Weaving, dodging, cutting and smashing. Thor and Luelle were a hell of a team, and sadly, Thor was wounded by a bite but wouldn't fall as the prophecy foretold! The gods at war fought back the warring dimensions with the aid of Freya's chosen and Asgard's strongest, with many who fell and were endangered by the Fantasian element's power. Jormungandr was banished to the icy depths of Jotunheim. Luelle and Thor join with a mass of the god to bind Fenrir. Were only held off by the beast's great rage as it swallowed Odin and Luelle whole. The power is almost akin to a supermassive black hole that crushed and bound the pair in its mighty gullet while the two fought the bindings of the belly. They were slowly being crushed until the two turned their strikes away individually as the group took the legs of the mighty beast. Bringing forth a combined strike that tore open the belly of the beast. Leaving Fenrir dead on the spot. The Jotunns were retreating with Loki standing alone before them.

"You thought this was over? ERR, wrong!"

He rose the Fantasian Element and called upon its power.

In the Tale: Loki's Rise

One by one, the Gods had become possessed and taken by an ethereal force of power that caused the Asgardians to succumb to the will of the Trickster. Strangely, Luelle found he wasn't affected at all. And Loki, the newly dubbed King of the Gods was quite interested, which brought the Fire-Jotunn's curiosity to why. Luelle had no answers; in fact, he'd only discovered his potential now, and still, he'd yet to truly use it. But that was all he needed.

"Perspective, Luelle. You're the Asgardian God of Perspective." Strangely he heard his own voice echo in his mind. Perhaps he was insane, but his attention fell to the Element. In whence his voice echoed from.

"Destroy the element, that it may return to the depths of Fantasia."

He wasn't totally sure what to make of it, but he knew where to aim and faced masses of the gods themselves by himself. It was years of battle without end in Asgard. So much so that it seemed that nothing could end the conflict for as long as it ran on in with Luelle doing his best not to slay the other gods. Something Loki wished to punish him for every time he noted how they treated him. Try as he might, Luelle couldn't get close to Loki. Eventually, he devised a plan and was slew by the spear of Gungnir at the foot of Valhalla's gate. Loki was surprised that he didn't dodge the inescapable spear for the nth time. Instead, he found himself taking pride in his victory and dancing on the corpse of Luelle in a dishonorable display by the rotting husk of Fenrir. And with such pride, he would further defile the corpse by demanding the gods draw quarter and separate his limbs all through the realms. Every single one down to the sections of his finger joints. In whence they left. This battle was long and surprisingly destructive. He wished to call on the Fantasian Element once more to make him a new Asgard, an Asgard of Loki's design. That is until he suddenly dropped the Element. Surprise bled from him in masses as he was felled by the Adamantine Roar of Mara. He was split into several cubits of meat and blown into the earth as gore. With Luelle calls on Fantasia's repair of his world and restoration of the gods. Where each found themselves at the foot of Valhalla to witness him smashing the damned item to pieces and dispersing into slivers of smoke, he let off a roar of victory to the silence of the others until Odin, Thor, and Freya, and the rest of the gods joined!

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