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Name: Korra

Age: 18

Height: 5'7"

Following the defeat of her uncle and the dark spirit Vaatu balance had been restored to both the physical and spirit worlds, this new time of peace bringing with it and unprecedented amount of down time for Korra. Finally allowing her to experience more of life outside of her duties as the Avatar, this new found freedom soon leading Korra to become aware of something that she had previously failed to fully take notice of before, that she was among the hottest women in Republic City and easily the most famous.

Her position as the Avatar granting her a level of celebrity that allowed her access to all the hottest parties and night clubs in town, and following a night out that ended with a steamy hook up in a motel room Korra came to yet another realization, she LOVED sex. She loved having people lust after her body, she loved the feeling of hands tracing along her curves and the sensation of someone's bare skin against hers. And Korra took full advantage of her new found excess of free time, and freedom in general, to fully embrace this new side of herself.

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//So I think I'm just about over this flu, should have things back up and running by tomorrow hopefully. Sorry to leave everyone hanging for so long but I'd rather take the time to get over it than give sub-par replies.

//Okay so, update. Still feeling sick, better than I was but still not great. Probably a couple more days until I'm over it. I appreciate the patience.

//Flu is still kicking my ass, gonna probably be out for another couple days. Sorry for leaving people hanging.

//Bad news gang, sick as a bloody dog today. So unfortunately I won't be able to get to any replies, we'll see how I'm feeling later but I wouldn't get my hopes up. Will update tomorrow on how I'm feeling.

//Been feeling under the weather all day so I'm heading to bed. I'll get all owed replies out tomorrow, well depending on how I feel anyway.

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