Jia Zi

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Jia, a master at weaving mana and the chosen person to wield the dreaded Axio blade. A blade known to kill its user if they lapsed in control while wielding it. This is the story Jia runs with, but in truth he was not chosen, he merely stole the weapon from the person who was chosen to wield it. The weapon itself is nothing truly special in appearance aside from its semi-transparent golden pommel and guard. The weapon's infamy and wielder kill rate is so infamous that other than those who were skilled in spell weaving or manipulating mana, only those truly desperate for money, ignorant of the telltale signs of the weapon, or no other choice have tried to steal the weapon in the past. The one chosen to wield the weapon was [i]robbed[/i]by an unknown group and angered the Axio blade. The spirit of the blade wasn't happy the chosen wielder gave a group of [i]thieves[/i] everything given to him save for some money for room and board in the next town for the journey. The spirit was absolutely livid when the wielder decided to ignore the complaints of the sword, not use magic when it would've made battles easier, and multiple other refusals and misdeeds by the time they reached the town, but knew that killing the current wielder would've been bad since no one would've picked the weapon up for long enough for rust to settle at least.

How Jia came to possess the weapon was partly happenstance, but also the weapon calling out to him. Something no one, but the weapon itself knew it could do. The weapon convinced the man it came to loath, but needed to get around to have a night of carnal bliss as a "reward" for all of his hard work. Axio set into motion the circumstances by making sure that the two met and lured Jia in with promises of a huge bonus to send back to the orphanage he was working hard to send money back to. Jia did what he had to to make sure the children at the orphanage he once lived in had what they needed, he had no problems doing whatever was necessary from stealing some bread to assassination. Does he regret any of his decisions or sacrifices done for the children's sake? No, not when it came to making sure the kids were comfortable and well taken care of. Jia took the money offered as it was substantially more than what he'd normally get, but his clientele for that tended to be primarily lamias and other elves. Enough to take care of paying off the expansion to the now empty orphanage, but often willing to take on other jobs to make sure future surprise expenses are taken care of.

Name: Jia Zi

Age: 21

Occupation: Orphanage director + Oddjobber


  1. The Axio blade has a spirit within it.
  2. Jia is fine with femboys, females, tomboys, cuntboys, and all that.
  3. Jia has a few beast-kins as a slaves/servants two of which being cats that're about moogle height due to some mishaps with a group he travelled with.
  4. Do not harm those two beast-kin, Jia is very protective of those two, also those two kind of have no filter.
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