Immortal Butchery!

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"Come one, come all! Only the freshest, juiciest cuts offered this side of the world~! Don't be afraid to take what you can~ Here, I've even got a knife handy already!"

What happens when you cross eternal youth and immortality with extreme masochism? Why, you get Maribelle, of course! It wasn't enough that this upstanding, excitable woman was cursed - or blessed - with the inability to die, but after what should have been her first death at the torturous hands of a gang, she discovered something quite morbid... she loved every second of it! Sure, they probably used her as many such people would in that position, but it was the beatings, stabbings, and all other kinds of violence that made Maribelle realize she's quite into it.

Could it get worse? Well, naturally! Maribelle's gone from person to person, gang to gang, business to business; but the one thing that made the pinkette realize her worth was a cannibal of all things, one that fed Maribelle, well, herself. Turns out that her blessing was also an incredible asset - divine, tasty meat that replenished itself straight at the source! Oh, what's a woman to do with this newfound information, beyond asking for a knife in her rather than a dick?

Duh! You start up a butcher business! Now the world over can get a taste of the sensation sweeping the nation, and see what all the fuss is about! A cute owner clad in a maid outfit with a collar, an exceptionally well made and sharpened knife, delectable cuts of fine, albeit strange looking meat both cooked and uncooked, and the best prices guaranteed! Though, it's not uncommon for her to disappear from time to time, usually at the hands of another with less than well intentioned thoughts...~ It's also worth noting that, if she's bored enough, she'll simply hack away at herself idly. You might even find her doing so on a particularly slow day!

Psst. She can come packing if you want it! Starters and discussions both welcomed~ No limits! The gorier, the better~ SFW is just as welcomed as NSFW though, if you'd rather have things be nice!