Illiterate Angel Pit

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  • 13 friends

I'm open to writing Pit in modern times! But for the most part, Fantasy themes are going to be done with him. I don't mind writing Pitto/Dark Pit as well.

Writer's note: I don't use Messenger for RP.

Pit is peppy and chipper, and like many Nintendo protagonists, he is fearless and heroic. He has no problem fighting against monsters many times his size and is always ready to help the humans when they are in need. The angel has a notable humorous side and enjoys cracking jokes and bantering with Palutena. Pit is also very confident, which makes him bit of a show-off at times. He can, however, become a little reckless due to his gung-ho and naive personality, which causes him to get into trouble at times. Nonetheless, Pit is a good-hearted and friendly character. He is described by Viridi as "insufferably upbeat" and by Dark Pit as "annoyingly cheerful." He is also shown to be moderately gullible at times, often believing Palutena's words to be true even when she is joking.

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