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Name: unknown

Nickname: ghost

Age: 35

Weight: 310 (with chrome)

Height: 6"3"

Physique: augmented

Likes: alcohol, women, work, freedom

Dislikes: being told what to do,enemies, the law.

Personality: Ghost is usually always calm in certain predicaments not afraid to say what's on his mind or take charge if need be but once open easy to please and get along with.

Skills: hacking, weapons, martial arts, fighting, quick on toes

Bio: there isn't much in Night cities database about the one called ghost simple because those that have ever saw him don't recall ever doing so a master of the streets as well as merc work there isn't a lot that he won't do for his check even in the toughest city of night City but he gets the job done even though he prefers to be in the shadows he is always out in public one of the most wanted men across the country even more so in a cybernetic town like night City even though he has never stepped out of the city he's know across the country no one knows where he lives or who he is able to control cyber psychosis he's throne they call wether it's corpo, the gangs or the mayors he gets the job done. (More to come)

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