Dr. Ann Possible

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Ann Possible, often referred to as Dr. Possible or Mrs. Possible, is a brilliant and accomplished neurosurgeon, holding multiple advanced degrees and working in the medical field. She is a graduate of the University Of Upperton. A kind but firm mother, with a cheerful attitude. Normally very understanding, but can have a hair-trigger temper, something Prince Wally nearly experienced out first-hand.

Like any parent she may make mistakes however, Such as during a Sophomore ski trip she chaperoned. Ann forgot her boundaries and ended up unintentionally embarrassing her daughter, Kim as a result.

She works as a skilled neurosurgeon at the Middleton Medical Center, Even being frequently sought by her fellow doctors for insight, or knowledge about her given field. She's considered an excellent parent. One who exhibits remarkable adaptability to uncertain situations during the brief forays into heroics she's had alongside her daughter, or their family. She often ends up being the voice of reason within her family. Such as scolding her sons, Jim and Tim when they attempt to experiment in the house. Or offering her daughter, Kim useful advice on various social challenges. As well as reminding her husband James to be home in time for dinner whenever he might be too distracted by his work.

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