Witchy Feline

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// A little note: Humans/Humanoids are just as welcome as other furries, so do not let that be a concern if you wish to try and add me. //

Character Information:

First name: Delilah

Middle name(s): Marie

Surname: Adler

Nickname(s): Dee

Age: Several centuries / Physically in her 30s-40s

Race: Feline Beastfolk / Anthro Liepard For Pokémon Verse

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Finsexual (Femininity, gender otherwise a non-factor)

Occupation: Coven head, history professor


Accent: Moderate Scottish

Language(s) spoken: English, Scottish Gaelic, Latin

Style of speaking: Warm, inviting, motherly, a bit of husk.

Physical Appearance

Height: 5' 8"

Weight: Non-disclosed

Eye colour: Striking Azure

Skin color: Pink? Porcelain white in human glamour.

Body: Thick, wide hipped, heavy chested, buxom, motherly.

Hair color: Maroon, fur is a wine red.

Hair style: Often free and flowing, not quite wild and messy. If up, she will put it in a bun.

Posture: Correct, proper, little slouching despite her ample chest.

Typical clothing: Librarian/teacher-like attire in human glamour, prefers to wear little to nothing when in her true form.


Likes: Moonlit nights, cute things, cats, tea, strong-- big-- beefy-- women, (F-List Here) (I would also love a big, strong, well hung doggy gal in particular.~)

Dislikes: Modern technology, foolish people, zealous people, the city

General attitude: Sweet yet composed, generally motherly and kind to most, however has a mean streak when pressed. Some would call her very teacher-like.

Religion: Pagan, witchcraft practitioner

Sociability: A social butterfly, very caring of the people around her, however can be suspicious of new people.


Delilah is old, at least as far as common beastfolk or humanity is concerned. As a skilled practitioner of magic, keeping oneself young is novice work. Well, at least to Delilah. Her story started far longer ago than she would care to remind herself, far before humanity had electricity in their homes and even far before many of the modern nations of today existed. She was one of few beastfolk in her land, what is now modern day Scotland, perhaps some of the first even. Whether it was a curse, a natural cause, or some magic running rampant: it was anyone's guess. Unfortunately, humanity has a tendency to... Destroy what it doesn't understand, so Delilah and her people remained in hiding for most of their history.

Delilah's interest in magic manifested in her earlier years, the feline was always sneaking in to libraries and making off with tomes and books meant to forbidden to most. It wouldn't be until she discovered a being that would become her patron that her abilities manifested, themselves. Her patron is enigmatic, preferring to remain out of the affairs of the mortal realm, it was only by happenstance that Delilah encountered them. And, from there, well everything is history. Delilah often stayed at the edge of society while it grew, preferring to remain among the wilderness and far away from humankind.

Though, eventually... Curiosity would take hold, and the feline would start to travel and wander, always keeping a place of solitude at arm's length. If there are ever whispers of a cozy cottage suddenly arriving at the forest's edge, it can be safe to assume Delilah can be found. When she interacts with humanity, its often under the guise of a buxom human woman with porcelain skin and deep red hair. Her being so long-lived has made it easy enough to pose as a history professor, after all first-hand knowledge is the best sort. As for her documentation- Well, a witch of her caliber can conjure such things with ease.

And, for now, that is the simple story of Delilah Adler. Nothing grand or too adventurous, just a feline witch enjoying her life with all of the wonders magic can bring who so happens to be the head of a particularly mischievous coven of witches.

(I may be a familiar face to several of you, please give me some time to get things settled on this character.)


So my approach to these is just adding them as I see the need to.

Rule 1.) Be patient. This is not a job, it'll never be my job, and I am never going to prioritize this hobby over my actual life. If you are the sort of person that cannot wait a few days to potentially a week or two for a response, I would first suggest you chill, but you should probably not add me or accept me.

Rule 2.) Literacy is a hard requirement. Length is negotiable, but I do need both something to work with beyond a sentence or two and most importantly: Be coherent.

I am beginning to wonder if Delilah should've been a prey species with how much I seem to love predator furries.

I'll be sending proper responses and greetings later today, it's close to six in the morning and momma has not slept a wink.

I have the day off so I should be able to get to at least some of you.

It appears I have been forced to add a couple of rules, for now it's only the two present, thank you.

// I'm curious as to how many people actually imagine Delilah speaking with her Scottish accent.

//Momma has hurt herself lifting today, it hurts to even sit in certain positions. Being in my thirties is not fun.

// Looks like I fell asleep for a bit, I think it's bed time for momma.

A fair warning, I'm going to be in a car for most of the day, so expect scarceness until the evening. While I may be online, I won't be doing large replies for this reason.