The Special War Power

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Gender: Male

Race: Human (Quincy)

Birthday: July 15

Age: Storyline dependent

Hair Color: Orange

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5'11 ½''

Weight: 145 lbs

Blood Type: A

Affiliation: Kurosaki Clinic, Karakura Town, loosely Soul Society

Previous Affiliation: Unofficially Visored, Xcution

Occupation: Storyline based 

Family: Storyline based

For more details about Ichigo, you can use the link here to learn about him, as it would take forever to say it all.

#1 Rule. Please do not spam me with messages. If I do not reply immediately, I ask that you don't keep adding to the messages. All it does is make me not want to respond to you. So be patient or you will be removed.

I can't wait for Sparking to come out. I feel like a kid again.

changed a profile picture
changed a profile cover

I'll be more of less around but not exactly here. So if you see me online I might not respond.

Folks, be patient with people when it comes to replies. You can wait for someone to reply. If you start getting pushy for replies from me it'll end with a block. I am no longer tolerating this anymore.

Taking a break. Cold weather killin me.

Raining all day has sucked the life out of me.

Here but mainly gaming.

Calling it a night

Slow replies. I'm tired as hell.

Trying to get back into the swing of ZZZ. Good way to start it off by netting Jane Doe on one multi. I can make my fun team now of Her/Nicole and Alex.