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Hiyori Sarugaki is a very short, brown eyed, blonde-haired girl who wears her short hair in spiky pigtails with her bangs clipped together by three clips. She wears a white shirt and a red jogging suit, the latter with white lines running down from the shoulders and decorated with the first kanji of her name, as well as yellow flip flops. Hiyori carries her Zanpakuto over her back. On each cheek, under each of her eyes, she has three freckles. She has an overly long fang protruding from the upper left side of her mouth.

Despite her small size, Hiyori is an aggressive and short-tempered girl with rather violent tendencies, her most common victim being Shinji Hirako, whom she frequently abuses, usually by smacking him with one of her sandals or kicking and punching him in the face. She has made it a reflex to use him as a human shield when necessary, and shows him an obvious lack of respect, a gesture which he seems to return. This behavior dates back to her time as a lieutenant, despite Shinji outranking her back then. She has highly aggressive tendencies, which often make her lash out at other people even under normal circumstances.

Her go-to insult is baldy and she would like to be called Miss Hiyori, though no one ever does.


  • Patience is a virtue.
  • Please keep RPs in Conversations only! I prefer keeping them separate. In short, I won't respond in character in Messenger.
  • I need some substance, so I won't ever be jumping straight into lewd. Lead me into it. Sex by itself isn't all that interesting.
  • If you ask me about my kinks, I won't have much to say. I don't have anything I particularly want to include in the RP because I like things happening more naturally, but feel free to tell me if there's stuff you wonder if I'd be fine with.
  • Feel free to just talk to me! It doesn't all have to be RP this and RP that, we can just chat!
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