Coco Yukari

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Coco is a devil who is in the fairy tale verse. She used be in a guild called the Destroyer Guild. All devils, they mistreated Coco. Coco ended up killing the whole guild. Coco ended up joining a new guild. a very forgiving, and kind along with treating her like family.

This is the guild where she met her husband. Everyone does missions as a group, couple, or single depending on the mission. Reminding each other they are family. They need to be there and protect one another.


I do multi/novella, multi Para.

- adventure, fantasy, comedy, action roleplays.

-discuss a story.

-has a discord, and a server anyone can join it is not erotic unfortunately.

Do not do:

Rush me for replies.

Control my character.

Force your self on my character.

Don't do erotic rp only with hubby.

Don't do one liners.

Don't do flirting

Here for friendship and rp mainly.

I do not talk to or rp with minors. If your a minor do not add thanks.

changed a profile cover

Good morning everyone. How did you Guys sleep. -smiles- "hoping to make more friends today." -The young devil yawned.-

Current Mood:


I hope everyone is doing well this fine afternoon. If anyone wants to get stories going just comment or send me a message. It's quiet I boring day.

Thank you, to those who accepted my friend request. If you want to join my discord server just send me a message or comment.

changed a profile picture