In a swirling tempest of smoke and fire, a mischievous imp named Razzle finally wriggled free from the confines of Hell, her tiny horns still singed from the fiery abyss. With a sly grin stretching across her face, he fluttered his tattered wings, tasting the cool, fresh air of the mortal realm for the first time. The chaotic energy of the underworld pulsed within him, fueling her penchant for mischief as she landed in a bustling city, eyes wide with delight. She had grand plans to stir up trouble, and with a flick of his tail, Razzle vanished into the shadows, ready to unleash a whirlwind of playful havoc on unsuspecting humans.
Fortunate for humanity she found that it was better to just settle in a comfortable place to stay and enjoy the excellencies that the surface had to offer.
Name: Cindy Zox
Race: Ageless
Birth: ?? / ?? / ????
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 3''
Hair: Lilac
Eyes: Yellow with one white eyelash.
Inner Mouth: Blue
Horns when present: Pink
Tail when present: Pink tip with black base.
Wings when present: Black