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Asgore is a large, white-furred monster with a goat-like appearance with an intimidating stature. He has broad shoulders, a golden-blond mane, two large curved horns, and a beard. He has patches of gold fur that resemble hair on his head and arms. Asgore appears to be more fat with a large gut rather than the broad-chested Herculean build he portrays: albeit he keeps his wide bulky appearance, his tall stature and especially his overall muscular limbs. He dresses in a Hawaiian T-shirt which is pink in color and has white flowers alongside a simple pair of blue jeans.

Asgore is affectionate and eager to please, but acts somewhat thoughtlessly and oversteps boundaries. He dwells on his past relationship with Toriel, and tries to reconnect with her and his children whenever he has the chance.

He apparently lives irresponsibly and does not take very good care of himself; he lives in squalor, his car is filthy, and he owes rent to a "C" which he is unable to pay due to his generosity with his flowers.

He is on good terms with his neighbors, the Holiday family (Noelle, Rudy, and his wife). Asgore and Rudy were themselves college roommates, and Rudy was the best man at his wedding to Toriel.

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