Amelia Lockhart

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Rules Read And Follow.

  1. Amelia is NOT a kind/nice person. You have been warned.
  2. There will be no Romance/Sex of any kind. Do not like? Not my problem.
  3. This is Horror/Bloody Type of Role-Play Character. You have been warned. There will be Monsters, there will be blood, and Death (No, that do not apply to the main Character. At least, not yours.)
  4. Do not try to get personal information on Amelia. No, you cannot be her roommate, her sibling, or child, or of any sort.
  5. Along with Rule 4. No, you can not "Already" Know her. Working within the Facility is one thing, but will not have an "Already know" type of Relationship, unless the characters have met previously before.
  6. Amelia do not care much for Human life (I.E. Anyone of Organic creation). She is more inro machinery, and find them to be more superior than Human life. Finding Machines to be "Immortal".
  7. No, I will not make her "Nice" to anyone. No special Treatment. Don't like? Don't add.
  8. This just hit me; keep Out of Character knowledge out of the Role-Play.

Added Note: No Exceptions.


Name: Amelia Lockhart

Sex: Female

Age: ████

Species: Jackal/Android-Jackal

Height: 5'10"

Weight: ███

D.O.B: February 24th

Eye Color: Red

Fur: Mix of White and light brown (White and black as Cyber)

Hair: Light brown

Home: Astriorilia

Occupation: Scientist/Researcher.

ID #20218

Note: Despite her Exterior; Amelia loves Dango Dumplings. Along with some hot tea.

Amelia Lockhart, one of the Co-Founders of "The Foundation", and a Researcher/Scientist. Her means of Experimentation might be unethical and even downright illegal for some, but for her, "the Ends justified the Means." She truly cares very little about anyone else; living or otherwise. Amelia's work ethics have caused some of her workers to meet an end in the Facility, including during the outbreak of some of the Experiments that have escaped.

During the Outbreak of 1427, She had sent a Recon Team to track down the Escaped Experiment, lead by a Fox named "Cherry Cola". Most of the Squad members have died during confrontations with it, though it had ran off before attacking Cherry, leaving her to remain alive. She was about to pursue the Subject, but Amelia had called off the Search, bring her and what remained of the team to return. The reason behind this, still remains unknown.

Amelia supposedly have a daughter that no one even heard of, being estranged from her own daughter, Amelia don't even talk about her, let alone even having any type of Family Photo.

Amelia seem to have some form of a Partnership with specifically 3370, who have shown to hold some high intelligence. Though, unlike 3370, Amelia showed some high interests, yet...she is skeptical of 2867, who seem to know more than it lead on to believe...

One Major Detail about Amelia is, she do not like Organic Organism, and prefer robotics. To her, Machines are superior to The Organic body, and can surpass the Human capacity.

Amelia and her Daughter (Who name I have yet to come up with), don't typically see eye-to-eye due to their past. Amelia's not a "Deadbeat Mother", but she care more for her work, and Experimentation than her "Nonsensical Affairs," as she would call it.

Amelia is cold, harsh, and cruel, even to Family, flesh and blood. But yet, she never tried experimenting on her own daughter.

Yet, for some unknown reason, even one foreign to Amelia herself, that she practically risked her own life to save her daughter. Without thinking, her body moved on its own...nearly killed herself from it, which what ended up putting her into a "Full Cyborg" body. Even to this day, Amelia do not understand why she did it.

I'm in a "Saw" mood. Feel like writing something "Saw-Inspired".

"I have people sign contracts, cause I will not be held responsible for anything my Experiments might do to you."

Reposted N.E.X.U.S.'s post.

Despite this character being my main, @Amelia Lockhart is more closer to how I act. Especially her speech. Which is kind of funny. She's also more closer to my Darker side. You know, Horror, and all that jazz.

Reposted N.E.X.U.S.'s post.

I have I think, 3-5 different Roxanne Wolfs. Including a "Mommy" version. Tempted in using her...Not as a character, but as a picture to make.

Edit: I looked, I have 6 Roxannes 1 "Mommy", and 1 "Shattered/Broken".

"Day 3...Subject seem to staring at the wall...Constant Monitoring Required for the next test..."

Current Mood:

"Hm...Day 2...Subject seem to be experiencing some Hallucinations...Curious on what he might be seeing...Will keep a further eye on this one..." *She spoke calmly into her recorder, just watching her current test subject freaking out from the experimentations.*

Current Mood:

"The hell's a force? A force of what? A force of Nature, I tell you what..."

//Whenever the thing stop crashing, I'll Eventually get out "Taltaran"...I am rather intrigued with this thing...

On a side note, I have still yet to think of a name for Amelia's estranged Daughter. I'll think of something later.

//I can't tell if I wanna put the Facility in a Forest, or a City. But either way, might make a new Subject. He's a BIG boi! Big as a bloody tree.

Edit: Did some height check, and the creature is at least 40 foot tall...

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//There's a total of three Pictures of Amelia I have not uploaded. And honestly, probably won't. I am not too happy with them, and planning on redoing them at a later date. If...I remember the name of the's a complete mess...

//Hm, feel like I spend more time around this Character than even my main. Should fix that, but I love this one too much to bothered to change it.

"The Training bots are...ruined...again...I swear, these meatbags have no respect for these poor things...It bring a tear to my eye..."