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Albums by Zenta
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  •  ·  Zenta
Had ChatGPT review 2 samples of my sona and this is what it thinks I look like.
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  •  ·  Zenta
Kinda late in the game with this playthrough of Pokemon Red, so here we go!Screenshots are taken from my Analog Pocket. "Current Party" will be dated as my team changes.
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  •  ·  Zenta
Here we go again! Had to start a new save file since I changed my name back to Zenta from Azure, wasn't that far anyway. Let's go!Screenshots are taken from my Analog Pocket. "Current Party" will be dated as my team changes.
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  •  ·  Zenta
Could have sworn I had an album for FFXIV already, but I guess not!Random screens of random things taken from my time in FFXIV.
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  •  ·  Zenta
Screenshots of "Apple" the.... feeble Argonian and her adventures!Mod Pack: https://lorerim.netlify.app/
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  •  ·  Zenta
I play this off and on, recently started anew.


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  •  ·  Zenta
Back to retro achievement hunting FF9. Album will be reserved for storing screenshot of my progress.
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  •  ·  Zenta
Memes I've stolen.